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    Techdirt Interview of Ira Rothken
    -Discussion of Ira Rothken's career handling internet copyright cases

    February 23, 2012 Radio New Zealand
    -US abuse of power in taking down Megaupload
    -No such thing as criminal secondary copyright infringement
    -The Prosecution is politically motivated 

    Ira Rothken presentation at e-discovery seminar (excerpt)
    - discussion of technical-legal factors to consider in determining whether e-discovery related data is "not reasonably accessible"
    - More information can be found here 

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      The Sedona Conference® Commentary on Preservation, Management and Identification of Sources of Information that are Not Reasonably Accessible

      The Sedona Conference® Working Group 1 recently published a Commentary on the issues of preserving, managing, and identifying not reasonably accessible electronically stored information or “NRA ESI". The result is a five-step framework for analysis and six Guidelines for making reasonable, good-faith assessments where no “bright line” rules exist. Ira P. Rothken is a co-editor of the above Sedona Conference Publication entitled Commentary on Preservation, Management and Identification of Sources of Information that are Not Reasonably Accessible.which can be downloaded here and here is a web seminar  on the topic. Here is an excerpt of Ira P. Rothken discussing technical factors to consider in determing whether e-discovery related data is "not reasonably accessible."

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